Subject Encryption support moved outside init From Dylan Araps <> Date Wed, 11 May 2020 03:21:09 +0100 Encryption support in the init scripts will be moved to an external project. Development will happen at a quicker pace and be done by members of the community (those who use encryption themselves). This change also allows me to step back from writing/maintaining this code. I don't personally use encryption (only on external drives) so it's been a little tricky for me to approve changes by the community, test changes, reproduce bugs, etc. Supporting encryption is trickier than one would think. There's a lot to support and hardly anyone supports the entire specification (most likely only systemd). The encryption code is now in good hands. The new maintainer really cares about the boot-up/shutdown process as a whole. A large number of improvements have come from his ideas (a lot of bug fixes too). What this entails as a user of encryption is fairly simple (though manual). Install the `kiss-encryption` package in a week's time when the update will be released. At the same time, the `baseinit` package will receive an update so be sure to update the system prior to installing the package. This manual process is why I have decided to delay the update and inform users beforehand. Apologies for the inconvenience. The `baseinit` update will also include some nice improvements to the boot up process. Messages from the boot process will now be logged to dmesg, the boot duration will be displayed at the end of the boot process ("Boot completed in 2s...") and a myriad of bug fixes. The source for the encryption code now lives here: Dylan