Subject This week in KISS (#16) From Dylan Araps <> Date Tue, 25 Mar 2020 12:07:09 +0100 Hello, Apologies for the delay. I'm under full lock-down now and things have been odd to say the least. I and those around me are well. This week was a quiet one with my focus being on further size reduction of packages and general bug fixes. The package manager has also received new features and an overall reduction in size (now 650~ LOC).LLVM and Clang 10.0.0 are now available in the repositories. Everything is tested and ready for GCC 10 with the final packages seeing fixes. The Python package saw a 90-100MB size reduction thanks to the removal of unneeded (and what I can only call) "stuff". Python 2 received a near identical "stuff" removal. The package manager will soon (once a release is made) show you a more detailed output when the dependency finder/fixer and the binary stripper do their thing. eiwd (iwd without dbus) 1.6-1 has been released with the changes from upstream being pulled in. No new developments in the new client just yet sadly! Dylan --- Dylan Araps (47): xorg-server: Fix post-install baseinit: bump to 0.7.2 gperf: Disable xmlto and specs gperf: Revert prior commit libX11: Disable xmlto + specs git: bump to 2.25.2 xz: bump to 5.2.5 libinput: bump to 1.15.4 eudev: Fix btrfs error gcc: Remove verbose from cp baselayout: Fix style mesa: bump to 20.0.2 busybox: Build acpid busybox: Add acpid service files. Closes #173 cmake: bump to 3.17.0 cbindgen: bump to 0.13.2 baseinit: bump to 0.7.3 mesa: Fix depends git: Fix broken patch. Closes #174 e2fsprogs: bump to 1.45.6 eiwd: bump to 1.5-5 zstd: new package at 1.4.4 kiss: bump to 1.9.0 libxml2: Bump rel git: bump to 2.26.0 bison: Fix deps pkgconf: Use https openresolv: Use https python: Drop 90-100MB of STUFF python: Drop -r python2: Reduce size to 30MB cmake: Fixes python: Disable CFLAG for clang. Closes #177 gzip: Add gunzip mesa,rust: Bump rel for LLVM/Clang 10 llvm,clang: bump to 10.0.0 eiwd: bump to 1.6-1 libepoxy: better source grub: Remove pointless comment mandoc: Nitpick nodejs: bump to 13.12.0 gcc,perl: Fix POSIX find. Closes #178 automake: bump to 1.16.2 imagemagick: bump to 7.0.10-2 file: use https pandoc-bin: bump to nano: bump to 4.9 Adam Schaefers (1): gnupg2: bump version to 2.2.20 (#570) Ben Cornett (1): vmwh: new package at git (#571) Bridouz (1): syncthing: update to 1.4.0 (#549) Caio Novais (1): xhost: new package at 1.0.8 (#582) Cem Keylan (6): lazygit: bump to 0.17.0 (#552) mpd: bump to 0.21.21 (#560) lazygit: bump to 0.17.1 (#559) lazygit: bump to 0.17.4 (#581) sysmgr: bump to 0.2.0 (#580) lazygit: remove package (#592) Cliford Sab (1): berry: bump to 0.1.4 (#555) Cédric (1): Qrencode: new maintainer (#578) Eudald Gubert i Roldan (1): font-awesome: bump to 5.13.0 (#579) Kiëd Llaentenn (3): ripgrep: update to v12.0.0 (#550) fd: update: v7.4.0 => v7.5.0 (#588) tokei: update to v11.0.0 (#587) Kris Heck (2): tor: bump to (#551) qrencode: yeet unneeded build deps (#557) M. Herdiansyah (3): libev: update to 4.33 (#565) irssi: new maintainer (#567) go: update to 1.14.1 (#566) Owen Rafferty (3): xwallpaper: bump to 0.6.4 (#554) youtube-dl: bump to 2020.03.24 (#577) cython: bump to 0.29.16 (#583) ax (1): btrfs-progs: new package at 5.4.1 (#586) sdsddsd1 (1): sdl2: update to 2.0.12 (#553)